Despite the fact that religions have more in common than they have differences, Religion can be a touchy subject and some may object to how I have chosen to group the religions below. For example, why does Islam have its own section instead of going with the other Abramic faiths? Why are Zoroastrianism and Satanism grouped with Abramic faiths?
These groupings are purely arbitrary on my part. To my thinking, Islam is generally viewed more as an eastern religion and Christianity (though born in the Middle East) a western one. Judaism, while not a western religion, is also not generally viewed as an eastern religion either. I speak here of perceptions, (which vary region to region) and not of actualities. Zoroastrianism is grouped with these due to it's large contributions to Judaism and Christianity. As this table appears alphabetically near the top of the page, it seemed logical to me to group them together so that someone researching these related religions could easily locate them. Though the source of some Old Testament stories, Hinduism was not included in this section. Due to the fact that "Satan" is an Abramic concept, Satanism belongs in this group as a related religion.
Please take no offense and accept what is offered in the spirit intended.